OM SOUND MEDICINE - Level 1 training with Saraswati Om // 8. - 9. feb

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55.000 kr
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55.000 kr
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Langar þig að læra allt um hljóðheilun og tónskálar? Saraswati Om býður upp á helgarnámskeið, fyrir byrjendur og lengra komna, í Móum Studio helgina 8. - 9. febrúar. Kennt er laugardag frá kl. 15.00 - 18.00 & sunnudag frá kl. 13.00 - 16.00.

Námskeiðið er kennt á ensku.

This Sound Medicine training, Level 1 with Saraswati Om is for individuals wanting to learn about sound healing for themselves or be trained sound practitioners.

The training will take place on the 8th - 9th of February in Móar Studio.

Upon Completion on Sunday a Certificate is given.

There will be subsequent trainings offered in the future in other areas of Sound Medicine & Sound Healing for continued education. Om Sound Medicine Level 1 is a prerequisite for all continued trainings.

Topics that will be covered:
* What Is Sound Medicine, history of Sound
* What are Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls
* Nada Yoga and the sounds for Chakras
* Entrainment
* Cymatics " Sound as Vibration"
* The Basis and foundation of Sound Healing
* Practice Playing Alchemy Bowls
* Creating sacred space with integrity and healthy boundaries

**Book list provided in training

There will be bowls to purchase but you do not need to own or purchase a bowl to start this training.

Price: 55.000 // we offer to split the payment in 2 (
Sign up here or through for other payment options. We can offer you to split the payment in two.

Saraswati Om is originally from Central New York where she opened the first Yoga Wellness & Sound Center in her region. She held the space successfully for 17 years where she trained yoga teachers as well as sound and ceremony practitioners from all over the world. Working alongside living Yoga Master Sri Dharma Mittra she is a Senior Dharma Teacher with over 1000 hrs of training and study of the complete Vedic Sciences including Ayurveda and Nada Yoga. Now residing in Iceland she is offering her life’s dedication at the beautiful Móar Studio.