Fyrir alla þá sem vilja kynnast og kafa ofan í jógafræðin. Yamas og Niyamas verður kennt í Móum Studio á sunudögum frá 6. okt - 27. okt frá kl. 16.30 - 18.00.
Kennari námskeiðisins er Saraswati Om & fer námskeiðið fram á ensku.
Verð: 27.900 & innifalið í verði er aðgangur að öllum opnum tímum Móa á meðan á námskeiðinu stendur. Áskriftahafar fá 25% afslátt af námskeiðinu, fólk með örorku, námsfólk og heldra fólk fær 15% afslátt af námskeiðinu. Hafið þá samband í gegnum moar@moarstudio.is.
Yamas and Niyamas are the first two limbs of the eight fold path of Yoga known as Raja Yoga or the “Royal Path” Yoga practice without Yama and Niyama is like “spaghetti without the sauce” what’s the point?
In this course we will go through Yamas and Niyamas every week , have journal exercises , supportive integrated varied practices like relaxation, mantra and gentle Hatha yoga.
The Yamas traditionally guide us towards practices concerned with the world around us, but often we can take them as a guide of how to act towards ourselves too. There are five Yamas in total in Patanjali’s Sutras:
- Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed)
- Satya (truthfulness)
- Asteya (non-stealing)
- Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right use of energy’)
- Aparigraha (non-greed or non-hoarding)
Yoga tradition view Niyamas as practices concerned with ourselves.
- Saucha (cleanliness)
- Santosha (contentment)
- Tapas (discipline, austerity or ‘burning enthusiasm)
- Svadhyaya (study of the self and of the texts)
- Isvara Pranidhana (surrender to a higher being, or contemplation of a higher power)
This course will be mostly Satsang and Yogic Philosophy.
You will complete this course with a strong foundation in Raja Yoga and deeper understanding of how to apply yamas and Niyamas to well lived life . Yamas and Niyamas can support and be the foundation of any spiritual practice and deepen your knowledge of yoga. CEC with Yoga Alliance are available for this course. This course is open to all levels of practitioners who want to foster a deeper connection with themselves and yoga.
Saraswati Om is originally from Central New York where she opened the first Yoga Wellness & Sound Center in her region. She held the space successfully for 17 years where she trained yoga teachers as well as sound and ceremony practitioners from all over the world. Working alongside living Yoga Master Sri Dharma Mittra she is a Senior Dharma Teacher with over 1000 hrs of training and study of the complete Vedic Sciences including Ayurveda and Nada Yoga. Now residing in Iceland she is offering her life’s dedication at the beautiful Móar Studio.